THE DC WISE partnership program
DC WISE Partners are organizations that are providing critical services and opportunities to women and children in Washington, D.C. who are homeless, low-income or otherwise at-risk. Our dollars help to provide essential support services and supplies, create opportunities for education and employment, create healthy environments and challenge systemic injustice by advocating for policies and practices.
Our newest Partner will receive a large seed-money grant. Past grants have been between $85,000 and $150,000.
YEAR Three
2024 Partner | BECKY's FUND
DC Wise has chosen BECKY’S FUND as our Partner Organization for 2024 because of the organizations dedication to end domestic violence through service, education, and advocacy. Their work is at the forefront of prevention. By engaging young men and women, survivors, and members of the community, we help people across all demographic and socioeconomic levels recognize the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships and then provide the tools to help both themselves and each other.
Our Mission
At BECKY’S FUND, We help survivors help themselves find permanent safety and heal, teach young people how to build healthy relationships, and share our stories to shift the culture of victim-blaming and inspire others to join us in ending and preventing domestic violence.
The DC WISE Impact
DC WISE has raised $1,000,000 to support the work of our partners. We are using our network to build brighter futures for the disadvantaged women and children in Washington, DC.
If you are interested in being considered for a partnership, please fill out our online application. Applications are accepted in August and September.

The deadline for applications is September 30.
STEP 2: Review and Approval
Applicants will be notified by the end of October.
STEP 3: partnership & funding
DC WISE holds a series of events to raise awareness and money for our partners throughout the fiscal year. Our partners are always invited to attend these events. The annual DC WISE Gala is held in October of each year. Funds will be dispersed after this event.